
No matter how you just landed here, dear Internet refugee, let me first warmly welcome you on this page, which aids as a tiny little crossroads to further direct your steps towards all the services this humble domain offers.

My aim is to bring more attention and use to a few beautiful community-driven works in the form of privacy front-ends for popular services and at the same time provide you with valuable tools to protect your online browsing privacy and evade censorship.

In this unpredictable age, online services inevitably collect your personal information and countless heaps of other data about your traffic and interests as a form of monetizing your online presence.

Many are aware of this - and thankfully the Internet also hosts quite a bunch of enthusiasts focusing on minimizing digital footprints of themselves and their peers alike. All of their works are published open-source and available for self-hosting, which is the very reason this server and all it's subdomains exist.

All of the services listed on this website are directed through a VPN kindly provided by Riseup (Wiki page @ wikiless.tiekoetter.com )

Feel free to look around and use any of the provided services to your liking. If you have malicious intentions, feel free to leave and please receive my most heartfelt "fuck you" and a boot to the head.

Peace, freedom, love


  contact: ecaps.adhgih@nimda